Our Story

Matt’s Miracle was invented to serve a need. I searched for years for a natural deodorant that actually works, only to be disappointed time and again. I tried special soaps, scrubs, pastes and powders but nothing worked all day. Contemplating this problem one day it hit me; the source of the odor is bacteria, so let’s kill the bacteria. Alcohol is a natural disinfectant that has been used for thousands of years. I added natural skin friendly ingredients like aloe and glycerin to make it easy on the skin. I love having the freedom to choose the deodorant that I like best and have the confidence that it will work all day. I started sharing it with family and friends, and I’m excited to share it with you.

Environmental sustainability is at our core. So we chose readily recyclable glass packaging. The world has enough plastic. We’re working on a bottle return program, so hang on to those empties! We would love to have them back.